HT Enterprises Ice Blue Rod

HT Enterprises Ice Blue Rod

With ice fishing season around the corner, it's about that time to order new gear. A piece of equipment that I added to my arsenal this year was the Ice Blue Rod. I mainly bought this rod to test its capabilities - it is a sub $10 rod. Apart from the rod's horrendous color scheme of blue and white, the orange tip does serve a practical purpose in bite detection, the rod seems to be very limber - an aspect of a good panfishing rod. The guides of the rod, on first inspection, are fairly small, which can make the rod susceptible to being 'frozen' in frigid temperatures - this issue, however, is common on most ice rods, and can be easily solved by breathing on the guide or tip-top. The fifth guide from the top features a snake guide, which is common on fly fishing rods. The rod that I picked up is the 24'' UL rod; I expect that I will be using it for hole hopping purposes for ice fishing. It can fish very small tungsten jigs with ease; however, because I intend to not use a spring bobber, I will most likely be fishing small spoons that are a bit heavier: Custom Jig and Spins Slender Spoon(1/16th oz.), or a Lindy Frosty Spoon(1/16th oz.). Both of the aforementioned lures are very effective on shallow water perch and crappie. If loaded up with a couple spikes, mealworms, or waxworms, these lures are also incredibly affective on bluegill. Time will tell if this rod is durable, but already, I can tell performance wise, it is comparable to a rod five times its price. This rod is also a great rod for dead-sticking live minnows - it is a very cheap, but also a very good ice fishing rod. I purchased this rod off of fishUSA for $7.99.

Ice Blue Catching a 2lb. Large-Mouth Bass
Ice Blue 24'' UL paired with 13 fishing Wicked Long Stem Reel w/ 2lb. Berkeley Trilene Micro Ice Line

Link to purchase this rod(unaffiliated with fishUSA): 


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